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PO Box 1804
Newport, OR 973655
Mission Statement
To reduce financial stress for local breast cancer patients, allowing them to focus on their health and healing.

Vision Statement

To be the fundraiser for local breast cancer patients, providing financial assistance to ease the burden of living expenses.

Create awareness and provide hope in an inclusive and supportive environment.

Expand reach, locations, funds raised, and lives touched, until there is a cure.

Bringing survivors, warriors, families, and communities together to support one another.

Values (LIFE CHI)
Local – Keep funds raised local
Inspiration – Inspire those who need it
Fiscal Stewardship – Trust with funds raised
Education – About breast cancer and women’s health
Community – Bring people together and build relationships
Hope – Provide hope for people
Inclusive – Providing support no matter who you are

Chi is your life force, the energy that flows through you and through everything. It is that which gives you life.
CoastBusters filed for its nonprofit tax-exempt status with the IRS. This process may take six to nine months to complete. CoastBusters, acting in a responsible, fiduciary manner, is allowed to accept any and all donations/sponsorship payments. CoastBusters can acknowledge all donations/sponsorship payments, however receipts cannot be issued for donations/sponsorship payments until the official nonprofit status has been granted through the IRS. If a tax receipt is required, please make your check payable to either Pacific Communities Health District Foundation Women’s Cancer Fund (PCHDF) for the Newport event or Oregon Cancer Foundation for the Florence event and mail your check to CoastBusters. It’s always recommended that you consult your tax advisor about donations/sponsorships and any tax deductibility benefit.